Understanding Perinatal Depression and Anxiety in The Time of COVID-19


Entering parenthood as a new parent or bringing another child home can be quite an experience; full of wonder and challenges. Now let's add a global pandemic to the mix. This informational webinar has been designed to help birthing people, support systems, and mental health professionals understand one of the most common complications of pregnancy: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety. It’s important to learn how to identify the warning signs and how to get help.

Well-Mamas Counseling Psychotherapist, Angelica Quezada, LCSW#98888 opens the discussion on understanding Postpartum Depression and Anxiety during the Pandemic. Join us in learning about recognizing the symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum, how to get help, self-care strategies, the impact of COVID-19 on parents and local resources. A downloadable workbook is provided with this webinar.

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