Communication for Couples: Part Four Dedicate Time 

Each day provides ample opportunity for meaningful dialogue. This may take around 30 minutes, but the effort will result in several rewards, including a stronger relationship, more satisfaction, and affection.

How to Dedicate Time for Communication in Your Relationship

While certain interactions should occur regularly, others may need forethought and attention. Therefore, for the best outcomes possible, you should:

  • Check-in on your partner - Discussions regarding everyday errands do not constitute deeper communication. If you want to learn how to be a better communicator in a relationship, you must check in on your partner's needs every day. In this manner, problems will have less time to create disruption and will be handled more quickly. 

  • Make plans - Select the appropriate time and location for more extended conversations. This way, you can be confident that stress and other circumstances do not significantly impact the subject at hand.

How to Help Your Partner Dedicate Time for Communication in Your Relationship

You can implement a few strategies to motivate your partner to dedicate time to communication.

  • Discuss the advantages and good aspects of communication in your relationship. For instance, you may remark that resolving conflicts strengthens the bond and even enhances your desire for sex.

  • Seek your partner's assistance in determining the time and location. They may feel more at ease being prepared and conversing on their terms. 

  • Suggest online classes and coaching that are in a particular time frame. This way, you have a one-on-one date that is on the calendar.

Reset Expectations

Better communication in a relationship does not result from a single talk; thus, you must adjust your expectations that everything will be handled immediately. Rather than that, attempt to develop strong foundations that will enable you to discuss anything that comes your way.

How to Reset Expectations in Your Relationship

Experts suggest that communication is the key to a long-lasting and enjoyable relationship. This means talking about meaningful things and experiences daily and having a positive outlook on the prospect of conversation with your partner.

If you want to implement new ways to communicate better in a relationship, you need to:

  • Show commitment - Every conversation matters, so do not rely on one talk to resolve all the issues. Improve your communication skills daily and constantly remind your partner that you are on the same side.

  • Move forward - Many conversations are based on past events and hurt. While this is entirely understandable, it is not productive, so you must learn to let go of the past and look forward to the future.

How to Help Your Partner Reset Expectations in Your Relationship

While agreement on every issue is impossible, it is feasible to acknowledge your partner's emotions and respect their communication requirements in many situations. You can help your partner by:

  • Allowing them to cool off if the conversation gets too heated. You can speak again when both of you are in a calmer space.

  • Avoid hurtful comments and threats; do not mention divorce to get your spouse to talk. This can build resentment toward the communication altogether. 

  • Allow your partner to lead the conversation and be open-minded about the prospect that only some things are meant to be resolved instantly. 

  • Suggest counseling if you need additional help in your relationship.

Communication may become challenging when daily life takes over, and stress persists. However, there are always ways to communicate better in a relationship.


The Gottman Institute. (2023). The Gottman Relationship Checkup.

Gottman Connect. (2022). How to Communicate Better in a Relationship.


Recurrent Pregnancy Loss


Communication for Couples: Part Three Listening Skills